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Dr Killman provides EMG diagnostic testing for

individuals who are suffering from the following


  • Tingling

  • Numbness

  • Muscle weakness

  • Muscle pain or cramping

  • Certain types of limb pain


Depending on your condition, Dr. Killman will decide

which type of EMG is best for you.



Your EMG test should take less than an hour. 

You can do normal daily activities before and after the test, and there are no lasting side effects.



Make sure to tell the physician about any blood thinners or aspirin you are taking, if you have a pacemaker, or have hemophilia. Bathe or shower to remove oils from your skin and do not use body lotion the day of the test. 



Dr. Killman will send your test results to the referring physician for diagnosis and treatment.


Types of EMG

  • Certain types of EMG use a needle inserted into the affected muscle to look for problems. Using special training, your physicians can diagnose the problem using the results of this test. Some patients experience mild discomfort to pain depending on tolerance during this part of the exam.

  • Nerve conduction studies show how well the body's electrical signals are traveling to a nerve. This is done using small electrical shocks to the nerve. Patients typically feel a quick, mild tingling feeling. The physician may test several nerves.


To learn more about EMG Testing visit American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine by clicking here.

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